Golf Days 2009
The first Malcolm Whales Golf Days was hosted at Fakenham Golf Course in 2009.
Please read the below article from the Fakenham Times:
Golf tribute for Malcolm
An event was held at Fakenham Golf Club in memory in memory of former cup-winning football captain Malcolm Whales. The event was organised by Liz Whales assisted by her brother Anthony Wright, and her two sons Damien and Nathan in memory of her late husband Malcolm, a keen local sportsman who captained Fakenham Ghosts in the 1970s when they won the Senior Cup three times.
The day was very well supported with 12 teams of four players, both men and ladies coming from a wide area of the country to participate. The winning team was Orchard Caravans with a score of 92 points, the team consisted of Bertrand Reynolds, Tom Hooper, Will Buck and Natalie Cotton.
They were closely followed on 90 points by The Silver Spoons captained by Damien Whales with Tom McCreadie, Geoff Hall and Stuart Baldock. There was a yellow ball competition which was won by Fakenham Hot Shots captained by Douglas Moore with B King, David Playford and Peter Anthony. Nearest the pin was won by Tom McCreadie and both the shortest and straightest drive by Mrs Christine Charnley.
At the presentation Nathan Whales stated that the prime objectives of the day were to ensure that it was a fun day and to raise the awareness of bowel cancer. He drew attention to the fact that Damien organised a sponsored walk earlier in the year which hopes to raise £5k for the cause.
He thanked all participants for their support and the need for research into this particular form of cancer.
£1,150.00 was raised through this event and will be donated to Norfolk’s branch of cancer research which will go to Addenbrooke’s in Cambridge where research into bowel cancer is taking place.
The family would like to express their thanks for the considerable support and unfailing assistance given by Mr B Futter and staff at Fakenham Golf Club.
Click here to read the full article