Dorset 2025
Welcome to the 17th Dorset Walk
The dates for the Dorset Walk 2025 will be Friday 11th July to Sunday 13th July.
For schools Thursday 10th and Monday 14th July will be travel days.
Sign up for non-school participants is at the bottom of this page.
- Places are limited – it will be first come first served.
- This page is NOT for secondary students to sign up.
- Further information about how the Dorset Walk works can be found here.
- Schools travel Thursday 10th and Monday 14th July.
- A lot of adults arrive Thursday evening and depart Sunday night (be warned you will be very tired Sunday evening!).
Contact us:
- The cost is £150 per person, this includes everything (food, camping and a t-shirt per day).
- A £40 deposit will secure your place.
- Prices for individuals:
- All 3 days and camping £150
- All 3 days in a lodge/B&B £90 (Lodge/B&B you will need to arrange independently)
- All 3 days for children U-13 – £60
- Price per day £50
- Volunteers free
To encourage families, there is a discount available (this is not a term time holiday – it is a charity event that has a huge developmental impact on children):
First adult for the whole event = £150, £100 for the next adult, U-18 £75, (under 13 £60) e.g Parent and 15 year old = £150 +£75 = £225.
Cost is often a barrier for many students and families.
We try to offer free spaces for the most financially disadvantaged children (if you or your business can help please get in contact
- We do not carry equipment – we stay at the same campsite every night and are transported to and from start/finish positions each day. We assist adults with transportation each day.
- Where you can stay: the event is at Burnbake Campsite, Corfe Castle – the majority of people camp here. Lodges are available at Burnbake (discounted if you are with TMWF). There are also plenty B&Bs locally. If you are camping we book this for you.
- The walk is very physically demanding, we strongly suggest you prepare/train before the event.
As the event has grown so has the demand for non-walking volunteers. The roles include: transport support, driving support vehicles throughout each walk day, cooking and preparing food, assisting with camp provisions. Basically we need as many bodies as possible. If you are able to assist please indicate this on the sign up form or if you have any queries please email