TMWF: Taking steps to beat cancer
The Malcolm Whales Foundation is a fundraising cancer charity in memory of Malcolm Whales.
Following his death in 2008, to honour Malcolm’s memory, Damien his son set out to create a legacy in his name:
The charity now organises numerous fundraising events each including: Sports Marathons, Golf Days, various sports tournaments and our annual July 40 mile sponsored walk in Dorset. (link to the 15 year video)
As a charity we ‘take steps to beat cancer’ meaning we try to make a difference by being active and having fun, whilst challenging yourself physically. The impact the charity has had on the people that have been involved is incredible. The Foundation is a team that works hard together, once you get involved you are hooked!
Malcolm’s storyWe have been incredibly successful with our fundraising and at the end of 2024 we have managed to raise over £620,000.
We are very keen to see a direct impact on people/individuals. Where possible we try involve ourselves with the fundraising, and the final outcome.
So far we have sponsored: weeks of outward bounds cancer support, paid for renovations of charity clubhouses, bought a charity support boat, completed two hospital gardens, funded numerous support projects, contributed to research projects, supported individuals, made donations to fundraising causes, sponsored conferences, paid for counselling… the list goes on!
We also have charity partners that we have donate to annually. Our most recent project was to build a £90,000 project to build a Lakeside Respite Retreat for families affected by cancer. Link to: Malcolm’s Retreat : The Malcolm Whales Foundation
If you an interested please sign up to one of our events. If that isn’t possible we would welcome all levels of support. If you are here looking for help, please get in contact, that’s what we are here for! themalcolmwhalesfoundation@gmail.com

T-shirts on tour
From Kenya to Las Vegas it’s amazing to see where our t-shirts have been. We love seeing our logo travel the world so please take our t-shirts with you on your travels so you can add them to our collection!
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