The 2021 Project – The £25,000 Giveaway
Despite the Covid difficulties that have been with us throughout 2021, the fundraising efforts of the TMWF community have been amazing. We have found ourselves approaching the end of the year with money in the bank.
Even though throughout this year we have been proactive with our support and have managed to donate thousands of pounds to our regular nominated causes. Covid has prevented us from launching a major project this year (this wont be the case next year – see here). As a result we have decided that we want to use that money to make a difference to people, and to other charities, that we know have suffered as a result of Covid cancelling fundraisers. We hope that these donations, nominated by you, will really make a difference.
The ‘rules’ of the donations were:
- We will donate a total of £25,000
- To help maintain the personal connection we would like you to nominate causes or charities that are special or mean something to you.
- We are predominantly a cancer focussed charity meaning the majority of the larger donations will be closely related to our goals. However, we are also keen to support as many other causes as we can through smaller donations.
- Every nominated charity will receive a minimum of £50 donation.
- Deadline for nominations is 9pm Sunday 12th December.
To the right – I have listed the charities that we are going to be donating to. It is heart warming to see and read the work that people are doing to support their chosen cause. Sadly many are created as a result of a difficult event. Positively though, what is being achieved by these charities is truly incredible.
We have never made a ‘giveaway donation’ of this nature and didn’t know what to expect. We wanted to support as many different worthy causes as possible, whilst at the same time making sure we remained true to our purpose.
As statement above explains, the amount each charity received would depend on the nature of the charity. As a result we decided to split the donations into 3 categories. Whilst there is variation in the amounts it feels appropriate not to detail the exact amount.
Perhaps most importantly the message is – if you nominated a charity they will have received a donation.
If you have a cause in the future that you think is in need of support please contact us at themalcolmwhalesfoundation@gmail.com
Category 1 (Receiving large donations of £2500)
- Bowel Cancer UK
- Huntingdon Community Cancer Network
- Ollie’s Heroes
- Teenage Cancer Trust
- Islastones Foundation
- Pancreatic Cancer
Category 2 (mid range donation £1000-£500)
- Lexi Doll Charity
- Anna’s Hope
- Nelsons Journey
- Dereham Cancer Care
- Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice
- Macmillan
- Children’s Liver Disease
- Elliott’s Army
- Myeloma UK
Category 3 (smaller donations £250-£50)
- Cardiac Risk in the young
- Blue Smile
- Spectrum
- Hearing Dogs for the Deaf
- MS Society
- Drew Barker-Wright
- Benedict Blythe
- Friends of Nyansia
- Embrace CVoC
- Parkinson’s
- Carl Lewis Foundation
- Crohn’s and Colitis
- Ramsey Colts
- Street Vet
- Homes 4 dogs
- Hedgehog rescue