Review 2019
Another year draws to a close, the 11 years have passed with such speed. Only now when I sit down to write the review does it allow us to come up for air and realise quite what has been achieved in the last 12 months.
Each year sees the charity continue to grow. Last year, I described that it feels like we had become a ‘real charity’, we were no longer a ‘sponsored walk’ that simply raised money for charity. This year that sort of thinking feels like ancient history. We are now having massive impact and are continuing to learn and improve as an organisation. The £10,000 Woodlands project has been our biggest project ever and whilst it took a massive amount of time and energy, it remains our most significant project to date. If anything, it has created a bigger drive for the next challenge!
The lasting impact this year has been the amount of ‘buy in’ from people. So many individuals have taken the charity to their hearts and really emotionally connected with us. Alongside this has been an increase in school involvement and other organisations becoming part of the journey. The pride we all feel as contributors to TMWF, is something amazing and fills me, the team and
all involved with such positivity.
Below I have tried to document the 12 months of 2019 – thank you for all your support and energy.
Fundraising events
Dorset Walk
The biggest ever 270 people walking. Littleport and Witchford were new additions. Ely, Ken Stimpson and Prince William all present and correct. A tremendous ex-student turn out. All contributing to £50,000 being raised. Other highlights the new field, Bella the dog, new logos, Mr Bilson’s write up.
London Marathon
In April, Verity Fretwell became our first ever runner in the Marathon. An incredible achievement from one of our Patrons, raising almost £3,000 for TMWF. Hopefully some of this money will make its way to Addenbrookes during 2020.
Cambridge Half Marathon
Tara Warren decided to support TMWF and run the Cambridge Half Marathon she managed to raise just over £200. She was also joined by Verity in her preparation for London.
Colchester Half Marathon
Kathryn Wright, Malcolm’s niece, ran the half marathon in October and managed to raise £370.
Peterborough Half
Becky German raised over £600 before a combination of injury and race cancellation put pay to the actual event.
Fun day
The fourth annual Fishing and Farm Fun Day was hosted at Rockery Waters on the hottest day ever recorded on planet Earth, an amazing £850 was raised.
12 hours of sport
This year’s 12 hours of sport was held on the 6th December with a record number of participants and schools taking part. Ely College, Ken Stimpson, Witchford, LECA, Stamford Welland and Thomas Clarkson took part. 681 students took part rasing £14,000 in one day.
Team Marley again organised their annual Netball fundraiser at Kings Ely. Raising £633.
For the first time Jack Emery and Arif Ahmed hosted and organised a charity badminton tournament at the Paradise Centre in Ely raising £650.
Bounce-a-thon at Oundle
Neil Welsh, organised a joint fundraiser for PWS and TMWF. The final amount is yet to be confirmed.
Norwich Football
The Ely RDP Football & Education group used TMWF as their charity of choice again.
Listers BMW
For the second year running Listers hosted their Christmas Market and again raised money for TMWF raising just over £200.
Significant donations received
Parent donation
We received an anonymous donation of £1250 from a parent prior to this year’s Dorset Walk.
Taunton School
As one of Taunton School’s charities of the year, thanks to Alex Collard, they donated £1000.
Three Horseshoes Wistow
The local pub in Wistow has taken TMWF as its chosen charity and has already donated £200 via the donation bucket on the bar.
Upwood Primary school
TMWF has been chosen as one of their charities of the year and the school are hosting a Dancathon during this academic year.
Andy O’Neil
For Andy’s 60th party rather than receive presents he requested donations to TMWF raising £403.75.
Theatre Artz
In December we received notification that Theatre Artz a Dance School in Huntingdon was going to use TMWF as their charity for their dance show. We were staggered when they confirmed they raised £2500.
St James Place Bank
As my dad’s previous employer, SJP made another donation of £2500 this year. There was also a personal donation of £500 from Jo Potts (SJP).
Ben Gibbs
Has continued to make monthly donations for another year.
Donations made by TWMF in 2019
Swanage Family
We made a donation to a family in Swanage to make some adjustments to their house to assist with their son’s cancer treatment.
Coast path
Each year we make a £1 per person donation to SWCP to assist with the maintenance of the path we use each year.
Huntingdon Community Cancer Network
Early in 2019 we made a significant donation to fund the HCCN men’s cancer support group.
Tily donation
We paid for this cancer affected family to have a weekend away at Cadbury’s World.
Climbing Out
Their August Climbing Our week in the Peak District was part funded TMWF. I went to stay and abseiled over an 80ft bridge!
Edgars Gift
Our annual donation was made to Edgars Gift – helping provide free holidays for cancer affected families.
Woodlands project
Our biggest project ever. £10,000 to create a wellbeing garden at the Woodlands Cancer Centre at Hinchingbrooke Hospital. The garden was opened in May by the Duke of Kent.
Prudential Ride London – we have 4 places available for 2020.
• 12 hours – Dwain Chambers attended the Witchford event.
• Radio Cambs breakfast interview about the 12 hours and TMWF – I cried!
• No Golf Day this year.
• Upwood PTA donation – our marquees attended the summer fete.
• Jack Emery world tour -#tshirtsontour went everywhere!
• Banners – for Malcom Whales
• Container landed at Pidley HQ
• Si Michell – painted the Woodlands Mural at Hinchingbrooke.
• Keith Bilsons write up about the walk.
• Presentation night on the walk.
• #tshirtsontour went to Japan, Sydney, Singapore, New Zealand,New York, LA, Maldives, Texas, Germany, France, India and lots of other places
• Elliot Littlefield offered his services and re-branded us,he is developing the website (criticising my handy work!!). A huge addition to the team!!
• 630 mile walker – Mo and Gizmo joined us for a stroll
• Quite a lot of company sponsors stepped up to help us with walk t-shirt sponsorship and more.
• Facebook live went mad on the walk again and the Facebook reviews continue to land!
• Woodlands Facebook soap opera was enjoyed by thousands online.
Money raised in 2019 = £73,000 (2018 – £40,000)
Total raised to date = £255,000 (end of 2018 – £182,000)
• Twitter – @malcolmwhales – 467 (314) followers, @TMWF-Dorsetwalk – 504 (492) followers
• Facebook – @themalcolmwhalesfoundation – (955) 1412 followers
• Instagram – @tmwf_dorsetwalk – 505 (262) followers
• Website hits – 152240 (108445)
Thank you to everyone involved this year.