Climbing Out
The Malcolm Whales Foundation has gone into partnership with Climbing Out. Climbing out is a registered charity working with young people aged between 18-30yrs facing life changing injury or illness. The charity runs 5 day residential outdoor activity programmes that aim to help rebuild confidence and self-esteem post injury or illness.
Climbing Out have created close links with the Teenage Cancer Trust and now offer week long programmes to teenagers that have been affected by cancer. The Malcolm Whales Foundation was created to support young people affected by Cancer. The partnership is one we hope to develop over the coming years.
In May of 2015 The Malcolm Whales Foundation donated £8,000 to Climbing Out and sponsored one of these residential weeks. The May half programme supported 16 young people, all who had been affected by cancer. The purpose of the week was to enable the young people to regain their confidence, self-esteem and to give them the opportunity to achieve despite the challenges they face.
During the week Damien Whales went to the Lake District to support the programme. During his time in the Lake District, he witnessed incredible achievements in some incredibly physically and mentally demanding circumstances. The young people face serious challenges on a daily basis, watching them work together as they solved problems and climbed waterfalls amongst other things, is one of the most humbling experiences Damien Whales has been involved with.
Damien hopes that this will be the first of many years of support that The Malcolm Whales Foundation can provide.
Update 2018 – this has now become an annual partnership, with the donation at £12,500 a year!
Click here to find out more about Climbing Out